Welcome to the Home of Region Six of the United States Police Canine Association. The Region Six territorial boundary is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Region Six is one of 26 Regions throughout the United States and Canada.
The General Nature of the Objectives and Purposes of this Association are:
The General Nature of the Objectives and Purposes of this Association are:
- To unite in a common cause all law enforcement agencies utilizing the services of the canine as an aid in the prevention and detection of crime
- To promote friendship and brotherhood between all those interested in the training and utilization of the canine in police work
- To endeavor to establish a minimum-working standard, and improve the abilities of the canine in police work, thereby rendering betterservice to the community
- To establish and maintain a legal assistance fund for acts resulting in civil suits from the use of police trained canines
- To coordinate the exchange of any advanced techniques of training of the utilization of police dogs
- To improve the image of the working police dog to the populace in general through improved public service in the prevention and detection of crime
- To aid and assist those law enforcement agencies making application for information concerning the establishment of canine sections within their respective departments